function curry(f, needed_len) { if (needed_len == undefined) needed_len = f.length; var curried = function() { var curried_args = arguments; if (curried_args.length >= needed_len) { return f.apply(this, arguments); } else { var curry_result_function = function() { var args = []; for(var i=0; i<curried_args.length; i++) args[args.length] = curried_args[i]; for(var i=0; i<arguments.length; i++) args[args.length] = arguments[i]; return f.apply(this, args); }; return curry(curry_result_function, needed_len-curried_args.length); } }; return curried; }And usage:
var curried_add = curry(function (a, b, c) { return a + b + c; }); print(curried_add(1)(2)(3)); print(curried_add(1)()(2)()(3)); print(curried_add(1,2,3)); print(curried_add(1)(2,3)); print(curried_add(1,2)(3));See also next pages for other implementations:
Note: after some more googling about currying in JavaScript, it's very interesting to see that contains an almost identical implementation.
scope problemini asmak icin buna benzer bir fonksiyon yazmistim ben de, soyle bisey:
Function.prototype.curry = function(scope){
var fn = this;
var scope = scope||window;
var args =,1);
return function(){
return fn.apply(scope,args);
Evet, hem de bu gercek hayatta gercekten ise yarayacak bir fonksiyon, ozellikle fonksiyonel programlamada.
Bir ornek verelim de kullanimi kafamizda canlansin:
var str = "hello world";
var indices = [1,3,8,9];
str = map(str.charAt.curry(str), indices).join('');
Kucuk bir hata buldum. Icteki fonksiyon distaki args nesnesini degistirdigi icin fonksiyon birden fazla cagrilamiyor. Sanirim kopya yanlislikla dista alinmis. Su sekilde calisiyor:
Function.prototype.curry = function(scope){
var fn = this;
var scope = scope||window;
var args = arguments;
return function(){
var argsCopy =,1);
argsCopy.push.apply(argsCopy, arguments);
return fn.apply(scope, argsCopy);
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